Membership Update

Membership Update form

"*" indicates required fields


Membership Application

Membership Application form

"*" indicates required fields

DD dash MM dash YYYY
Membership Cancellation
Are you now, or have you ever been, subject to disciplinary action by the Canberra Labor Club resulting in suspension or cancellation of any membership?
Problem Gambling Declaration*
Do you have a gambling problem, been excluded from a gambling facility under a deed of exclusion or been questioned by an authorised Gambling Contact Officer regarding a potential gambling-related problem?
Are you a smoker?*
Which Club(s) do you usually visit?*
Where do you work?*
Which of the Club's facilities/events are you interested in?*
what types of entertainment do you enjoy?*
What types of sports are you interested in?*
Do you wish to receive a hard copy of our Annual Report?*